Data Acquisition & Business Intelligence made easy


Integral Cyber-security by design

ArroSuite is Cyber Secure

Your ArroSuite Home screen will include MFA as standard and is accessible via a web browser (Chrome or Edge preferred/tested platform.:

Security levels are managed by your IT team as Azure groups, independent of ArroTek. ArroTek’s security and zero trust data protection is compliant with the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s model/best practice guidelines. As a client tou are welcome to independently test/audit your system at any time – all we request is access to audit findings to ensure any issues are closed out for all customers. The ongoing nature of cyber security means we must all remain vigilant as new issues arise. Certification to ISO27001 is expected soon.

Multi-Site or Multi-Process Overview of your assets at a glance

A single authentication to see all your assets & processes

The Dashboard will show a mimic or map of the plant(s), and the run state of each piece of equipment. The example image is for a multi-site environment – this can readily be tailored to your plant floor and multiple equipment pieces. A custom popup from this view can show summary information at a glance before drilling into a detailed dashboard view.

Additional ArroSuite modules and functionality can be added at any time, to provide a comprehensive operator support platform for you and your clients.

Filters make finding the assets you want to view easy

Pop up views of each asset enable summary information to be viewed quickly. eg: Alarm status, run status, key production values, etc. without going into a detailed dashboard for each.

Dashboards by template across multiple users or customise your own

Dashboard tiles and mimics to suit your needs

Data linked to the system can be formatted in a variety of ways. Links to HMIs can be embedded enabling direct control – even video feeds! The top example is for a simple power generator with engine information on the left and solar power production information on the right via direct links to two devices. Around it are additional devices, alarms and a live video feed. Below it is a gas feed system component from a HMI.

A wide library of tiles enables flexibility in displaying your data to make it meaningful to view and understand.

Different views can easily be created for Managers, Staff, Contractors and Customers so that the right users see the right information for their needs with the right controls/security.

Dashboard can easily be built or tailored.

Embedded HMI views in the ArroSuite platform mean you can see exactly what is on the display of the machine at the same time as an operator in front of the machine. ArroSuite means this can be achieved by logging into a single platform with enhanced security and easily switching between sites/machines.


Notifications by SMS or email

Alerts and escalation

ArroSuite Alerts enables alarm notifications via email and/or SMS when alarm conditions are detected. Alarms that have been active for a set period of time can be escalated to notify the second list of contacts. Alarm groups can be managed by your Azure active directory service. Updating alerts, and shifting them for rotating rosters, etc. across multiple sites/plant is easy to centrally manage to ensure the right people get the right notifications at the right time..

Integrated Electronic Operator Logs

Advanced Logging and Timeline views

How often have you wanted to know who changed the set point? When? Why? What else happened before the alarm occurred that stopped production?

The Operator log section of ArroSuite Alerts enables plant operators to record their activity working on the plant which is stored in the database along with the alarms. The root causes of many
problems are easier to diagnose when you can view the sequence of events that lead up to the problem. Visually seeing when the last operator entry was, and how frequently they are occurring can also
help in monitoring the plant performance and reliability

All users can enter log events into the timeline. Recording actions & checks, changing set points and who did what when makes overseeing the operation of your assets much easier. Export of this data and/or integration with other systems such as your Computerized Maintenance Management System is also possible.

Electronic additions to operator logs can be made on PC or smart phone, making it easy for authorised contractors and non-direct employees to be able to incorporate their actions into the plant history.

Export of log entries to excel/csv files, filtering of fields and records, and sophisticated analysis of the sequence of events is made easy within ArroSuite.

Tailored and scheduled reporting to your needs

Complex Analysis made easy

Data compiled from multiple sources such as energy spot market prices, or fuel prices, combined with ERP data and plant data can make for some useful decision making information.

Automating the production of reports is easy in ArroSuite. Users with management access can access the report module which comprises pre-built report formats which can then be produced “on-demand” or scheduled and emailed to a contact list.

“As industry leaders, we are focused on driving operator friendly interfaces that enable the right information to be available at the right times to make the right decisions.”


The Arrotek team has vast industry experience delivering smart industrial automation solutions.